23 August 2006

Attribute based transaction management and NHibernate

In my previous post about NHibernate session management I presented a session per request strategy for session management in ASP.NET application. I will extend this example to show you how to declaratively manage transactions via attributes. Take a look at the GenericDAO.Save method:

public void Save(T entity)
    bool manageTransaction = ! orm.isActiveTransaction;
    if (manageTransaction)
        if (manageTransaction)
    }catch(Exception e)
        if (manageTransaction)
        throw e;

Almost 90% of the code is for transaction management. It will be nice if we can write something like:

public void Save(T entity)

To achieve this, I will use Spring.NET to intercept method call of the DAO. Before method marked with TransactionAttribute is executed a transaction will be started and then committed after method is executed. Although .NET provides solution for intercepting method calls via ContextBoundObject, I will use Spring.NET because this way my DAO object must implement just one interface instead of inheriting from ContextBoundObject.
Lets begin with the implementation. First I will declare the attribute used to mark transaction sensitive methods:

public class TransactionAttribute : Attribute
    private IsolationLevel mIsolationLevel;
    public TransactionAttribute()
        mIsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
    public TransactionAttribute(IsolationLevel aIsolation)
        mIsolationLevel = aIsolation;
    public IsolationLevel isolationLevel
        get { return mIsolationLevel; }
        set { mIsolationLevel = value; }

Now I will decrare the class responsible for starting and committing transactions. There are a lot of specific issues about method interception and Spring.NET so if you are not familiar with them read the documentation about Spring.NET. The class looks like:

public class TransactionAroundAdvice : IMethodInterceptor
    OrmManager mOrm;
    public TransactionAroundAdvice()
        mOrm = OrmManagerFactory.GetInstance();
    private TransactionAttribute GetTransactionAttribute(MethodInfo aMethod)
        object[] attributes = aMethod.GetCustomAttributes(
            typeof(TransactionAttribute), true);
        if (attributes.Length != 1)
            //TODO: Throw more meaningfull exception and message
            throw new Exception("Transaction Attribute is missing");
        return (TransactionAttribute)attributes[0];
    public object Invoke(IMethodInvocation invocation)
        bool manageTransaction = ! mOrm.isActiveTransaction;
        if (manageTransaction)
            TransactionAttribute transactionAttribute =
        //TODO: Find way to compare isolation level from TransactionAttribute and
        //current active transaction if manageTransaction == false
        object returnValue;
            returnValue = invocation.Proceed();
            if (manageTransaction)
        }catch(Exception e)
            if (manageTransaction)
            if ((e is TargetInvocationException) && (e.InnerException != null))
                //Because when AOP is enables, method is invoked via reflection
                //TargetInvocationException is thrown. This exception is most likely
                //to confuse application developer, so it is removed
                throw e.InnerException;
                throw e;
        return returnValue;

When a method marked with TransactionAttribute is intercepted then Invoke method from TransactionAroundAdvice class is called. Now lets see how our DAO class looks like when transaction management code is removed:

public class AttributeEnabledDAO<T>: IDAO<T>
    public AttributeEnabledDAO()
        mOrm = OrmManagerFactory.GetInstance();
    private OrmManager mOrm;
    #region IDAO Members
    public T Load(object id)
        return (T) mOrm.session.Load(typeof(T), id);
    public void Save(T entity)

Much more simple. Example of using AttributeEnabledDAO is given bellow:

ProxyFactory articleDAOFactory = new ProxyFactory(
    new AttributeEnabledDAO<Article>());
articleDAOFactory.AddAdvisor(new DefaultPointcutAdvisor(
    new AttributeMatchMethodPointcut(typeof(TransactionAttribute)),
    new TransactionAroundAdvice()));
IDAO<Article> articleDao;
lock (synchObject)
    articleDao = (IDAO<Article>) articleDAOFactory.GetProxy();
Article article = articleDao.Load(1);
article.Name = "Paracetamol";
article.SalePrice = rnd.NextDouble();

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