26 October 2013

Discover the DataStage Transformer Code

DataStage generates code for each transformer stage and then compiles this code to produce the executable bits used during a job run. You can not inspect the generated code from the DataStage designer but in this post I will show you how to view it using 3rd party tools.

Let’s say that we have a job with transformer named tr_IncrCol that increases a value of a column:


View the TRX Code

To find out the TRX code (a kind of pseudo code similar to C++) for the transformer issue the following commands in the shell:

cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Projects/YourProjectName/
find . -name *YourJobName_YourTransformerName.trx
In the case of the transformer above the command will return a file ./RT_SC6/V0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol.trx that has the following contents:

// Generated file to implement the V0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol transform operator.
// define our input/output link names
inputname 0 in;
outputname 0 out;
initialize {
        // define our control variables
        int8 RowRejected0;
        int8 NullSetVar0;
mainloop {
        // initialise the rejected row variable
        RowRejected0 = 1;
        // evaluate columns (no constraints) for link: out
        out.col1 = (in.col1 + 1);
        writerecord 0;
        RowRejected0 = 0;
finish {

View the C Code

To view the C code you will need to define the following environment variable APT_TRANSFORM_OPERATOR_DEBUG for your project (by using the DataStage Administrator):


Now use “Force Compile” from the DataStage designer to recompile your job and issue the following command to find the C file:

cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Projects/YourProjectName/
find . -name *YourJobName_YourTransformerName.C

The find command returns a file ./RT_BP6.O/V0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol.C with the following contents:

// -*-Mode: C++-*-
* Boiler plate for generated transform operator.
* Module: bp.transform.C
* Licensed Materials  Property of IBM
* "Restricted Materials of IBM"
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2012
* (c) Copyright 2005 Ascential Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved
* This is unpublished proprietary source code of Ascential Software Corporation.
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended
* publication of such source code.
##      Maintenance log - insert most recent change descriptions at top
##      Date   RTC#    WHO     Description.
##   03/02/12  97190   lag     Added destructor logic
##      Date   CQ#     WHO     Description.
##   08/25/10  221869 msashiha tweaked stringToNumeric for var. length strings
##   10/20/09  180149  eaj     Transform code optimizations
##   06/18/08 prod93684 msashiha avoid passing STL objects in API methods
##   05/07/08  131689  eaj     Fix string constant conversion issues related to
##             131831          MS 2005 compiler behavior change
##   02/15/08  125689 jcallen  fix the copyright notice
##   06/08/07  112670 dsotkowi  Merge from main
##   02/02/07  112670 dsotkowi   Removed writeOutputRecordChild()
##   01/29/07  112670 dsotkowi   Move more code from transform.C generation 
##                               into transformbase.C & .h
##   01/24/07  112670 dsotkowi Only output writeRecordChild() if has tables.
##   01/22/06 112670  dsotkowi Transform refactoring
##   01/16/07   97851 dsotkowi If there is a null and no reject dataset abort
##                             if APT_EnvironmentFlag APT_TRANSFORM_ABORT_ON_REJECT_NULL 
##                             is set otherwise if there is no reject dataset drop the record.
##   10/06/06  110505 ahirshbe Ported next entry to main/LATEST.
##   10/06/06  107791  eaj     Correctly cleanup temp lookup fileset
##   12/05/06 112590  dsotkowi Fix table -save option.
##   09/08/06 104659  dsotkowi Fix friend APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol_issueConversionWarning linkage.
##      Date   Ecase#  WHO     Description.
##   08/10/06  97302   eaj     Fix createonly and fileset range lookup handling
##   03/07/05  None   ahirshbe Make issueConversionWarning a static member function.
##   03/06/06  88658  dsotkowi Restore declaration of convStat - 
##                             fails transformop_test_MK_bug7 among others
##   02/09/06  85328  vpechori Surrogate keys from DB Sequence.
##   08/18/05  69187   xpu     Added EOW support.
##   06/13/05  66571   eaj     Move sharing control from ops to tables
##   05/04/05  73547   eaj     Handle conversion failures better
##   04/29/05  73479   eaj     Explicitly force std::llabs on linux
##   02/17/05  n/a     eaj     Updatable functionality
##   01/31/05  68170   xpu     Redefine max() and min() on Linux.
##   07/22/04  30156   eaj     Handle a hex value in APT_STRING_PADCHAR
##   03/15/04  none    eaj     Use osh option -string_fields for inserted
##                             field type
##   02/28/04  n/a     xpu     Moved declaration of operator+ out of 
##                   the class.
##   01/26/04          linda   Adding OS/390 support
##   01/21/04  43656   xpu     Update output sort keys at run time.
##   11/21/03  n/a     xpu     Inserted spaces for indention.
##   09/26/03  39721   xpu     Added a newline at the end of the file to
##                avoid aCC 3.37 future fatal error 690.
##   09/04/03  39209   eaj     NLS this fix since it came from 6.0
##   09/04/03  39209   eaj     Added use of APT_STRING_PADCHAR for fixed
##                             length strings.
##   05/08/03  9607    xpu     Removed setting dataset schemas
##   04/09/03  20305   eaj     Added handling of + operator for ustring
##                             string mixes
##   04/09/03  20130   eaj     Add handling of collation sequence option
#include <apt_components/transformop/transformbasehdrs.h>
// user-defined function header file
#include <apt_components/transformop/transformbase.h>
// Allow for addition of mixed strings and ustrings
APT_DLL_BUILDOP APT_UString operator+ (const APT_UString&, const APT_String& );
APT_DLL_BUILDOP APT_UString operator+ (const APT_String&,  const APT_UString&);
class APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol: public APT_TransformBaseOP
  // pure virtual functions in parent
  virtual void          processInputRecordChild(int inputDS, int curOutput[], int writtenOutput[]);
  virtual void          setRejectColumnValue(const APT_UString &errMsg, int rejectDs);
  // implement the parent's pure virtual methods
  virtual APT_Status    describeOperatorChild(APT_Schema* inputSchema, APT_Schema* outputSchema);
  virtual APT_Status    doInitialProcessingChild(APT_InputAccessorInterface* inpInt[]);
  virtual APT_Status    initializeWaveChild();
  virtual APT_Status     doFinalProcessingChild();
  virtual void          processEOWChild(int inputDS);
  virtual void          serializeChild(APT_Archive& ar, APT_UInt8);
  virtual APT_Status    setupInputInterfaceAccessorChild(APT_InputAccessorInterface** inCur);
  virtual APT_Status    setupOutputInterfaceAccessorChild(APT_OutputAccessorInterface** outCur);
  // internal macros, required for persistence mechanism
  // Helper conversion class, should be moved into transformbase class
  // in future releases
  template <class T> class stringToNumeric
    static void convert(T& result, const APT_String& source, char* pBuf,
                        bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg);
    static void convert(T& result, const APT_UString& source, UChar* pBuf,
                        bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg);
    static void convert(APT_Decimal& result, const APT_String& source,
                        bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg);
    static void convert(APT_Decimal& result, const APT_UString& source,
                        bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg);
    static void convert64(APT_Int64& result, const APT_String& source, char* pBuf,
                          bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg);
    static void convert64(APT_Int64& result, const APT_UString& source, UChar* pBuf,
                          bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg);
    static void convertU64(APT_UInt64& result, const APT_String& source, char* pBuf,
                           bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg);
    static void convertU64(APT_UInt64& result, const APT_UString& source, UChar* pBuf,
                           bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg);
    static void issueWarning(bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg, bool isDecimal = false);
  // input accessors
  APT_InputAccessorToInt32 input0Int32col1;
  // output accessors
  APT_OutputAccessorToInt32 output0Int32col1;
  // declare stage (global) variables.
  APT_Int8 stage0RowRejected0;
  APT_Int8 stage0NullSetVar0;
APT_IMPLEMENT_RTTI_ONEBASE(APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol, APT_CombinableOperator);
APT_DEFINE_OSH_NAME(APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol, V0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol, ARG_DESC);
  // initialize base class
  const unsigned nOutputs = 1;
  const unsigned nInputs = 1;
  numinputs_     = nInputs;
  numoutputs_    = nOutputs;
  numtransfers_  = 1;
  numrejects_    = 0;
  inTransAdapt_  = new APT_TransferAdapter[nInputs];
  numRealInputs_ = 1;
  numOfConvWithParams_  = 0;
  numOfStrDefaultConvs_ = 0;
  // initialize stage (global) variables.
  stage0RowRejected0 = 0;
  stage0NullSetVar0 = 0;
  if (inTransAdapt_) { delete [] inTransAdapt_; inTransAdapt_ = 0; }
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::serializeChild(APT_Archive& ar, APT_UInt8)
  // serialize job parameters
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::serialize(APT_Archive& ar, APT_UInt8 n)
// initialize operator before serialization and parallel distribution.
APT_Status APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::describeOperatorChild(APT_Schema* inputSchema, APT_Schema* outputSchema)
  // set input interface schema.
  inputSchema[0]=APT_Schema(APT_ConvertFromString_TRX("record\n( col1: int32;\n  APT_TRinput0Rec0: *;\n)")); 
  APT_Schema droppedFds;
  setupInputInterfaceSchema(inputSchema, droppedFds, 0, 0);
  unsigned int input;
  // set output interface schema.
  outputSchema[0]=APT_Schema(APT_ConvertFromString_TRX("record\n( col1: int32;\n  APT_TRoutput0Rec0: *;\n)")); 
  int output;
  // set view/modify adapter.
  // set transfer adapter.
  APT_UString* dropped = new APT_UString[1];
  inTransAdapt_[0].dropFromVar(APT_UString("APT_TRinput0Rec0"), APT_ConvertFromString_TRX("col1"));
  APT_UString* renamedFrom = new APT_UString[1];
  APT_UString* renamedTo   = new APT_UString[1];
  setInTransferAdapters(0, dropped, renamedFrom, renamedTo);
  delete [] dropped;
  delete [] renamedFrom;
  delete [] renamedTo;
  // declare transfer.
  // set partitioner/sort insertion information.
  // set job parameters
  return APT_StatusOk;
// parallel method, invoked in each partition.
APT_Status APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::doInitialProcessingChild(APT_InputAccessorInterface* inpInt[])
  APT_Status status = APT_StatusOk;
  // define global variable
  // set up input accessor.
  // set up output accessor.
  return status;
APT_Status APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::setupInputInterfaceAccessorChild(APT_InputAccessorInterface** inCur)
  APT_STD::map<APT_UString, APT_InputAccessorBase*>* inAcc =
    new APT_STD::map<APT_UString, APT_InputAccessorBase*, lessAPTUStr>[numRealInputs_];
  inAcc[0].insert(APT_STD::map<APT_UString, APT_InputAccessorBase*, lessAPTUStr>::value_type(APT_ConvertFromString_TRX("col1"),  &input0Int32col1));
  for (unsigned int input=0; input < 1; input++) {
    APT_STD::map<APT_UString, APT_InputAccessorBase*, lessAPTUStr>::iterator iter;
    for (iter = inAcc[input].begin(); iter != inAcc[input].end(); ++iter)
      inCur[input]->setupAccessor(iter->first, iter->second);
  delete [] inAcc;
  return APT_StatusOk;
APT_Status APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::setupOutputInterfaceAccessorChild(APT_OutputAccessorInterface** outCur)
  APT_STD::map<APT_UString, APT_OutputAccessorBase*>* outAcc =
    new APT_STD::map<APT_UString, APT_OutputAccessorBase*, lessAPTUStr>[numoutputs_ + numrejects_];
  outAcc[0].insert(APT_STD::map<APT_UString, APT_OutputAccessorBase*, lessAPTUStr>::value_type(APT_ConvertFromString_TRX("col1"),  &output0Int32col1));
  for (unsigned int output=0; output < 1; output++) {
    APT_STD::map<APT_UString, APT_OutputAccessorBase*, lessAPTUStr>::iterator iter;
    for (iter = outAcc[output].begin(); iter != outAcc[output].end(); ++iter)
      outCur[output]->setupAccessor(iter->first, iter->second);
  delete [] outAcc;
  return APT_StatusOk;
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::processInputRecordChild(int inputDS, int curOutput[], int writtenOutput[])
  APT_Status convStat = APT_StatusOk;
  // declare local variables
  // process records.
  // length of outputs is 1
  // length of fields is 1 for output 0
// parallel method, invoked in each partition.
APT_Status APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::doFinalProcessingChild()
  // cleanup tables and caches
  return APT_StatusOk;
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::setRejectColumnValue(const APT_UString &errMsg, APT_Int32 rejectDs)
  // Set the value of the reject column
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::processEOWChild(int inputDS)
  // declare local variable
  // "finish" code segment
APT_Status APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::initializeWaveChild()
  APT_Status status = APT_StatusOk;
  APT_Status convStat = APT_StatusOk;
  // declare local variable
  // "initialize" code segment
  return status;
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::convert(T& result, const APT_String& source, char* pBuf,
                                     bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg)
  result = (T)strtod(source, &pBuf);
  if (APT_strlen(pBuf) > 0 || APT_strlen(source) == 0)
    result = 0;
    issueWarning(msgPrinted, addlMsg);
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::convert(T& result, const APT_UString& source, UChar* pBuf,
                                     bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg)
  result = (T)APT_strtod(source, &pBuf);
  if (APT_strlen(pBuf) > 0 || APT_strlen(source) == 0)
    result = 0;
    issueWarning(msgPrinted, addlMsg);
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::convert(APT_Decimal& result, const APT_String& source,
                                     bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg)
  APT_Status checkResult;
  result.assignFromString(source, -1, APT_Decimal::eRoundInf, &checkResult);
  if (checkResult == APT_StatusFailed)
    result = 0;
    issueWarning(msgPrinted, addlMsg, true);
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::convert(APT_Decimal& result, const APT_UString& source,
                                     bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg)
  APT_Status checkResult;
  result.assignFromString(APT_ConvertToString(source), -1, APT_Decimal::eRoundInf, &checkResult);
  if (checkResult == APT_StatusFailed)
    result = 0;
    issueWarning(msgPrinted, addlMsg, true);
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::convert64(APT_Int64& result, const APT_String& source, char* pBuf,
                                       bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg)
  result = APT_strtol64(source,&pBuf,10);
  if (APT_strlen(pBuf) > 0 || APT_strlen(source) == 0)
    stringToNumeric<APT_Int64>::convert(result, source, pBuf, msgPrinted, addlMsg);
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::convert64(APT_Int64& result, const APT_UString& source, UChar* pBuf,
                                       bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg)
  result = APT_strtol64(source,&pBuf,10);
  if (APT_strlen(pBuf) > 0 || APT_strlen(source) == 0)
    stringToNumeric<APT_Int64>::convert(result, source, pBuf, msgPrinted, addlMsg);
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::convertU64(APT_UInt64& result, const APT_String& source, char* pBuf,
                                        bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg)
  result = APT_strtoul64(source, &pBuf, 10);
  if (APT_strlen(pBuf) > 0 || APT_strlen(source) == 0)
    stringToNumeric<APT_UInt64>::convert(result, source, pBuf, msgPrinted, addlMsg);
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::convertU64(APT_UInt64& result, const APT_UString& source, UChar* pBuf,
                                        bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg)
  result = APT_strtoul64(source, &pBuf, 10);
  if (APT_strlen(pBuf) > 0 || APT_strlen(source) == 0)
    stringToNumeric<APT_UInt64>::convert(result, source, pBuf, msgPrinted, addlMsg);
template <class T>
void APT_TransformOperatorImplV0S0_TransformerCodeDemo_tr_IncrCol::stringToNumeric<T>::issueWarning(bool* msgPrinted, const APT_String& addlMsg, bool isDecimal)
  if (*msgPrinted)
  *msgPrinted = true;
  APT_String msg;
  static APT_String msgNumeric("Numeric string expected ");
  static APT_String msgDecimal("Numeric string expected of the appropriate decimal precision ");
  static APT_String msgEnd(". Use default value.");
  if (isDecimal)
    msg = msgDecimal + addlMsg + msgEnd;
    msg = msgNumeric + addlMsg + msgEnd;

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